Abeo Teammate

Lindsey Kralj, Director of Learning Design

What Lindsey Brings to the Work

Lindsey believes in cultivating strong relationships by taking an asset-based approach and centering curiosity in order to develop educators.  In order to create relationships Lindsey practices authentic listening, acknowledging and identifying strengths, and asking questions.  This coaching approach allows her to honor and value each person’s talents and push thinking in service of student learning.  Lindsey believes it is through these relationships that educators become more efficacious, leading to transformational change. 

As the Director of Learning Design, Lindsey specializes in coaching educators to develop highly effective instructional practices that promote access and agency for each student. These include evidence-based methodologies such as phonics, fluency, vocabulary development, and comprehension strategies.  She brings extensive expertise in early childhood learning, including the what, the why and the how of effective and developmentally appropriate instructional strategies and techniques.  This deep knowledge, combined with strong relationships,  produces powerful partnerships and coaching resulting in transformational learning.  

Lindsey is an avid reader and is up to date on the latest research and trends in the field.  Her core values are collaboration, trust, and honesty which guide her development of professional learning experiences. It’s these values Lindsey uses to support adult learners creating authentic relationships in service of improving student learning. 

Formative Experiences

Lindsey has spent over twenty years deeply embedded in the education system. Throughout her time in the classroom Lindsey taught multiple grades, honed her skills and understanding of teaching literacy skills and strategies to all levels of readers.  As a part of her classroom teaching experience Lindsey had an opportunity to work with students who were brand new to the country, learning English.  As the Newcomer teacher this experience afforded her a deep understanding of how to support students access content and develop language. In addition to Lindsey’s expertise in literacy she also spent two years as a Math Coach directly supporting teachers with math instruction. 

After several years in the classroom, Lindsey transitioned to Instructional Coaching where she was able to take her knowledge and skills of literacy, MLLs, math instruction and systems to support adult learning.  Lindsey understands the need for adults to be in a learning community and developed a residency program at her building engaging staff with learning relevant to digital literacy and best practice using technology with students to support critical thinking and active literacy in the classroom. Throughout her time as an Instructional Coach, she partnered with administrators and district personnel, creating deep relationships in order to successfully implement the vision of the school and district. 

In her early years of teaching Lindsey built her capacity of understanding  the depth and breadth of instructional learning design through The Learning Network Institutes and engaging in coaching from Learning Network Literacy coaches. This formative experience led to her passion for early and intermediate literacy and instructional coaching. 


“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”  Carl Jung